
最近几天,中国最大葡萄酒进口商ASC精品酒业,其高层发生变动。ASC董事会正式任命华金声(Mr. John D. Watkins)为新的企业执行总裁。华金声其丰富的大型跨国企业管理经验,相信对ASC在越发激烈竞争的葡萄酒行业中,进一步扩张发展,会有很大裨益。当然作为ASC最大股东的日本三得利(Suntory)集团,看来也接受本次变动。不过对于前期很多关于ASC大股东三得利(Suntory)集团和联合创始人兼首席执行总裁沈品同先生(Mr. Don St. Pierre Jr.)之间的一些传言,这次变动也可能是某种折中的解决方案。



沈品同(Don St. Pierre Jr.)被任命为董事会执行主席,华金声(John D. Watkins)被任命为首席执行总裁。

圣皮尔精品酒业(上海)有限公司董事会今天宣布,公司联合创始人兼首席执行总裁沈品同先生(Mr. Don St. Pierre Jr.),已被任命为董事会执行主席,华金声先生(Mr. John D. Watkins)将接替沈品同先生出任首席执行总裁一职。此任命于2012年10月15日起生效。

华金声(John D. Watkins)

    沈品同(Don St. Pierre Jr.)  


华金声先生在中国多个行业领域拥有超过25年的成功经验,包括改善收益、利润及市场占有率、提升人才和股东价值,建立良好的合作伙伴关系,探索新的商机,优化现有业务以及推动中国和美国财富500强企业的合作。华金声先生同样也是一个狂热的葡萄酒爱好者, 他是ASC的第一个直销客户,与圣皮尔家族的渊源可以追溯到上世纪80年代。




“我对于ASC董事会选择我接替沈品同先生出任ASC首席执行总裁一职深感荣幸也很高兴。 自上世纪90年代后期,我一直以钦佩的眼光关注着ASC,圣皮尔父子与其专业团队一道不仅极其成功地创立了ASC公司,更重要的是在中国创立了葡萄酒鉴赏文化。”华金声先生说道:“我的目标是通过与董事会和管理团队紧密合作将公司的增长能力,盈利能力及服务水平提升到一个新的高度,从而进一步提高中国市场对优质葡萄酒的鉴赏水平。”




华金声先生和他的妻子Dinah和两个孩子Nicholas,Amelia Josephine现居住在上海。


ASC 精品酒业是中国葡萄酒进口及经销行业的领导者,在全国26个城市设有分公司及办事处,拥有优秀员工一千多名。曾被世界葡萄酒评论界的泰斗人物罗伯特·帕克先生誉为“中国精品葡萄酒进口行业的翘楚”。


ASC 精品酒业在上海、北京和香港共同经营 “藏酒轩”。ASC藏酒轩,作为满足ASC客户和合作伙伴全方位需求的展示平台,是爱酒人士聚会品酩的美酒会所,更是完美的葡萄酒教育培训场地.


The board of ASC Fine Wines announced today that Don St. Pierre Jr., Co-founder and CEO has been appointed Executive Chairman of the Board and John D. Watkins has been appointed to succeed St. Pierre as the Chief Executive Officer. The change is effective October 15, 2012.


As Executive Chairman of the Board, St. Pierre will remain heavily involved in the business, with a strong focus on strategic business development initiatives, including the domestic wine sector, the consumer direct business and further strengthening ASC’s long term relationship with its partners & suppliers.


Watkins has more than twenty-five years of success in China in multiple industries leading improvements in revenues, profits, market share, talent and shareholder value, building partnerships, establishing new businesses, optimizing existing operations, and engaging the US and Chinese governments for Fortune 500 global corporations. Watkins is also an avid wine enthusiast, was ASC’s first home delivery customer and has known the St. Pierre family since the 1980’s.


Watkins was most recently President & CEO at GE AVIC Civil Avionics Systems Company, where he led the establishment of the 50-50 joint venture between GE and China Aviation Industry Corporation (AVIC), the position he leaves to join ASC.


Prior to joining GE, Watkins was a Corporate Vice President of Cummins Inc. and Chairman and CEO of Cummins (China) Investment Co., Limited, where he led Cummins team of 7,000 people in 21 locations in China. Cummins revenues and profits in China quadrupled during the six years Watkins led the organization.


Watkins also held various senior positions at Northwest Airlines over 18 years. In his last position, as Corporate Vice President& General Manager – China, he was responsible for the airline’s operations, sales, customer service, pricing, administration and business development in China.


“I am honored and delighted that the ASC board selected me to succeed Don Jr. as CEO of ASC Fine Wines. Since the late-1990’s I watched in admiration as Don Sr., Don Jr. and their team of professionals not only built a highly successful business, but also built a culture of wine appreciation in China” , said Watkins. “My goal, working with the board and the ASC team, is to take the company to the next level of growth, profitability and customer service and to further enhance appreciation for good wines in China.”


“I am very excited about this change, because John Watkins is someone that my father and I have known and respected for many years. John is not only an outstanding businessman but he is a good person whose proven commitment to professionalism, integrity, and hard work position him well for success in our industry.” said St. Pierre. “ASC grew dramatically over the past 16 years. The basis for our success is ASC’s focus on high quality wines and service and our ability to lead through innovation, whether that is ASC’s focus on wine education & training or our more recent rapid expansion into 2nd and 3rd tier cities. We always aimed to stay ahead and lead the market for quality wines throughout Greater China. John’s appointment as CEO is another bold step towards staying out front by ensuring ASC’s leadership team is not only the strongest in the Greater China wine industry, but also is one of the strongest teams in any industry in the region. While my role will change in ASC, my ownership will not. I will focus my energy and time on exciting, new and important opportunities we have for growth. I will also work closely with John and our executive team, including Zhang Hao, COO, David Lucas, VP of Marketing/Supplier relations and Stephane Moreau, President of ASC consumer direct business, providing my counsel on how to further strengthen our relationships with customers and suppliers, while we continue to grow the business.”


Watkins is active as a community leader in China. He was twice elected to and served as Chairman for the American Chamber of Commerce in China from 2009 – 2010 where he led the Chamber’s efforts to influence and shape government policies on indigenous innovation, market access, intellectual property protection and export controls.


Watkins holds a B.S. in marketing from Miami University, and a master’s degree in management from Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business. He also completed two years of Mandarin Chinese language training at Shanghai Normal College in the early-1980s.


Watkins, who lives in Shanghai, is married to Dinah and they have two children, Nicholas and Amelia Josephine.


About ASC Fine Wines:


ASC Fine Wines is China’s leading fine wine importer and distributor with 26 branches and over 1,100 personnel across the Greater China region. It was described as “China’s greatest fine wine importer” by legendary wine critic Robert M. Parker, Jr.


With its constant focus on quality, ASC partners with the finest brands to create an exceptional portfolio, which now includes over 1,200 premium labels from 100 plus world-renowned wineries from around the world. ASC’s incomparable fine wine portfolio and expertise offer wine connoisseurs in Greater China the most trustworthy source for the finest wines.


ASC Fine Wines also operates The Wine Residence in Shanghai and The Wine Gallery in Beijing and Hong Kong. They are remarkable locations providing a full and broad wine service to ASC’s customers and partners, as well as being a wine education centre to inspire consumers to better understand and enjoy fine wines.



拉菲集团(DBR Lafite)联合圣皮尔精品酒业(ASC)发布酒会

拉菲集团(DBR Lafite)联合圣皮尔精品酒业(ASC)发布酒会
DBR Lafite & ASC Fine Wines-L’Esprit Lafite,Excellence,Finesse & Elegance


拉菲集团(DBR Lafite)联合圣皮尔精品酒业(ASC)在北京国际俱乐部酒店,举办隆重的合作发布酒会。同时也是ASC精品酒业15周年庆发布酒会。

ASC精品酒业总裁Don St Pierre Jr和拉菲集团(DBR Lafite)全球首席执行官克里斯托夫.萨兰(Christophe Salin)都到场致辞,彰显两家自今年起在中国大陆市场全面合作的紧密关系。同时也是对前不久有媒体报道称ASC涉嫌拉菲产品的不良商业行为报道的一个事实澄清。











ASC圣皮尔精品酒业(上海)有限公司关于<每日经济新闻>的报道《国内多家公司仿冒拉菲被查涉案金额或超百亿》,其中涉及ASC(圣皮尔精品酒业)失实报道( )的严正声明:
