






Official press release

2012: a rare and precious vintage in Bourgogne

Beaune, 12 November 2012


A first! That is what Bourgogne’s winegrowers are saying about this year’s weather. Given Mother Nature’s whims, they had to redouble their efforts to ensure the very best results from their vines. And the first tastings confirm that all their hard work was worthwhile. From the north of Bourgogne to the south, the industry is unanimous – the quality of this year’s nascent wines is excellent, surpassing all expectations given the weather.

The only downside is the quantity which is below average, down as much as 20% according to some estimates. (Definitive figures will be available in early 2013).

A mild winter, a chilly spring with frosts, a warm May, a cool and rainy June, an unstable summer, a heat wave, hail and storms – weather like this could not fail but affect the vines. The cold and rain in spring caused shatter, where some flowers fail to turn into fruit; millerandage where incomplete fertilization of the flower giving rise to small berries; and a big threat from both downy and powdery mildew. The brief hot periods in summer brought some very high temperatures that burned the fruit.

These phenomena, which occurred before the grapes ripened, meant yields were significantly lower this year, but had no impact on the quality of the grapes. On the contrary, aerated bunches of smaller berries guarantee concentration and intensity.

Having had to manage the elements and struggle on a daily basis, both man and materials have emerged from this vintage worn out, yet victorious. During the harvest, which took place under sunny skies, the grapes being welcomed into the wineries were healthy and showed no signs of disease or rot.

The scarcity of the 2012 vintage will only serve to make the wines even more precious!

White wines

These expressive wines reveal notes of fresh fruits and citrus. Forthright, they are already demonstration very good balance on the tongue.

The whites from northern Bourgogne are powerful, and translate the unique characteristics of their terroir: minerality with notes of flint and chalk.

This is a classic vintage, illustrated by the wines’ sophistication and good concentration.

Red wines

The wines are deep red in color, dense, and some are almost black.

They release rich and intense aromas of red berries. The tannins are ripe and silky, offering a lovely harmony on the tongue.

The 2012 vintage looks like a safe bet. The red wines reflect the diversity of each winegrowing region and offer a happy ending to this unusual year.

Crémant de Bourgogne

The low yields also concern the grapes for Crémant de Bourgogne wines, and the Gamay grape in particular. The Aligoté turned out to be more generous. Overall, production volumes could be down as much as 30%.

The grapes harvested were perfectly mature, combining the richness of optimum sugar content with good acidity. The Chardonnay and Pinot Noir base wines are fruity,  with lovely balance.

2012 Burgundy Harvest Report【2012勃艮第采收图文报道】

 2012 Burgundy Harvest Report


Sylvia CHEN 陈微然

带着伦敦的寒气,经历第戎暴雨的洗礼,来不及多休息,第二天就奔向Gevrey Chambertin做采收采访。




酒庄里最年轻的工人兴奋的大喊把我有点开小差的思路带了回来。来的是一车Corton特级园Le Rognet,葡萄不多也就不到20箱的样子。


随后,去梗过的葡萄会直接通过机器转移到酒桶中,避免泵送造成的不利影响。酒窖里全新的橡木桶已经被排好,静静的等待陈化新年份的葡萄。Dupont Tisserandot家一级园和特级园都是百分百的新桶,因为桶中陈年只有10个月左右,所以不会有想象中扑鼻的重桶味。

今年的葡萄其实没有想象中的那么差,这块Le Rognet产的葡萄挺少染病,只是有些大小不一罢了,成熟度都到12.3左右。后来到的Gevrey Chambertin村的葡萄,也形势喜人。今年的采收大多从20号左右开始,为了避免极端天气,采收的日子也略有提前。一级田和特级田会在周末开始采收,至此酒农们不分白天黑夜的生活也拉开序幕。相比去年来说,他家会有15%的减产,比想象当中要乐观的多。不过今年他家的产量估计会维持在23hl/h的超低值了。

12月份回国会把他家的酒带回去跟大家分享,到时候再好好介绍这个Allen Meadow均分90以上,超高性价比的酒庄Dupont Tisserandot