Wine Tasting With Michel Chapoutier – Michel Chapoutier访华北京媒体品酒会

Michel Chapoutier访华北京媒体品酒会

Conférence de Presse Michel Chapoutier – Oct 2011 

陆江(Maxime LU)/万欧兰葡萄酒俱乐部 


这次机会难得,其大师级庄主Michel Chapoutier20111014日来京访问,让我能有幸在其引导下品试M.Chapoutier旗下的诸款主打好酒。全面了解酒庄的风格和实力!在此也非常感谢M.Chapoutier的品牌大使Nicolas Schoutteten提供了这个难得的机会。 

Chapoutier家族从1808年开始就已经在罗纳(Rhone)河谷开始工作。第一个在当地购买葡萄园的家族先辈是Polydor Chapoutier,从那时候开始,开拓先锋精神就一直是家族传统的一部分。 从上世纪90年代开始,家族酒业就进入了Michel Chapoutier领导的时代。


说到Michel Chapoutier先生,一直以尊重风土条件,以及专业、激情、创新和开拓等精神,闻名于全球葡萄酒领域。在他领导下M.Chapoutier已经拥有700公顷的土地,其中葡萄园已达360公顷,版图除最核心的34公顷Hermitage外,还包括法国的其它产区(香槟,阿尔萨斯,法国南部等),还有澳洲和葡萄牙。 

特别要提到的是,近年来具有先锋开拓精神的Michel Chapoutier先生,已经开始准备在英国投资葡萄园,虽然英国的气候和常见的石灰质土壤是以起泡酒见长,可他个人并不喜欢那里的石灰质土壤,他自己还是坚持自己的原则找到合适的土壤,准备未来生产静止酒常见的干红干白之类。


基于对潜力巨大的中国市场的重视,这次Michel Chapoutier先生亲自来华访问,这一站就在北京,地点选在幽静的工体附近的1949餐厅。到场的还有他在对外经贸大学留学的女儿,为了未来在中国市场能有更好发展,很多世界名庄庄主都有子女在华留学。




1.Saint-Joseph ” Les Granits” 2007  14.5%

稻草黄;矿物、黄油、蜂蜜、热带水果的气息散出,能捕捉到烟熏和爆米花的味道,还有Michel Chapoutier先生提到的皮蛋味道;中重酒体,有一定层次,微苦,酸度中等,回味中等略长。14,5%的酒精被很好的平衡,有不弱的陈年实力。这款干白葡萄品种是Marsanne 

2.Ermitage De l’Oree ”2007,  14.5%

深黄绿色,香草, 坚果,菠萝,奶油,矿物;重酒体,凝缩, 厚重,平衡,清新,回味很长,柚子。厚重复杂,较强的实力!白葡萄品种Marsanne60~70年老藤。


3.Chateauneuf-du-pape La Bernardine ”2008,  14%

通透宝石红,边缘紫晕;红醋栗,紫罗兰, 覆盆子,蓝莓,果味充沛,发展后还有李子干,烟熏,甘草味道;中重酒体,平衡,单宁细腻,收敛有力,结构初现,酸度中上活跃,回味长,有烟熏和中药味道。有一定复杂度和实力的教皇新堡。


4.Cote-Rotie Les Becasses” 2007, 13%

深红泛紫,黑醋栗, 黑胡椒,肉桂, 动物皮毛, 李子等气息;重酒体,单宁强劲收敛,平衡,酸度中上,回味长,有黑巧克力余味。


5.Hermitage  “Monier de la Sizeranne ” 200513.5%



6.Chateauneuf-du-pape Barbe Rac” 200615%



7.Ermitage Le Pavillon” 2006, 14.5%


8.Ermitage L’Ermite” 2006, 14%


Domaine Philippe Charlopin under the label of CASINO

Sylvia Chen 陈微然

It was really a coincidence that I found Domaine Philippe Charlopin in the supermarket. At first, I was fairly excited by the price which only around 20euros. Later, I was curious because I saw plenty of other big names with the label of the same pattern.

It’s incredible that we could find this kind of wine in the French supermarket.  I only knew it afterwards that Casino associated with altogether 10 big names and present a CLUB DES SOMMELIERS GRANDES RÉSERVES series for the annual wine festival (Foire au x vins). They are  Pichon Baron in Pauillac, Suduiraut in Sauternes, Dufort-Vivens in Margaux, Smith Haut Lafitte in Pessac Leognan and St-Emilion grand cru, Michel Chapoutier in St Joseph, Georges Duboeuf in moulin à vent , René Monnier in  beaune 1er cru and meursaultPhilippe Charlopin in Gevery-chambertin, Galoupet et Vannières in Provence.

Domaine Philippe Charlopin, Gevery-Charmbertin, 2008

Soybean sauce and hint of oxidation at first made me think it had a poor storage situation.

Yet, after 20mins, it developped into meaty and oily, that is a very complex nose which made you feel their is plenty of berries act as backbone of those meaty flavour. Developped quickly into vanilla,coffee,mushroom, some spicy and violet afterwards. Well integrated on the nose. Medium light body, with a great and fresh acidity lingering till the finish. soft tannin which made you feel that without being overwhelming. long lasting juicy finish combined with acidity, smokiness and a subtle sweetness.

This is what I got in Casino for 21euros with the previous price like 29euros. By the way, this guy is the very best student of Henri Jayer and appeared in Les Gouttes de Dieu…. I wonder how did Casino persuade him to do so… I’m also expecting those other big names under the label of CASINO.