The DecanterChina interview: Pudao Wines


Eighteen months after being purchased by Australia’s Woolworths, Pudao Wines spoke exclusively to about its next steps forward.

Image: Marcus Ford at Decanter Asia Wine Awards judging week
Image: Marcus Ford at Decanter Asia Wine Awards judging week

The new investor

More than a year and half ago, the news broke that Pudao Wines, together with its sister firm Summergate, was purchased by Woolworths, one of Australia’s largest wine retailers.

Marcus Ford, general manager of Pudao, said the business ‘has benefitted greatly over the course of the past 18 months in establishing more sophisticated systems and processes.’

‘When Woolworth’s acquired Dan Murphy’s in Australia it too was a small retailer with a very few shops, [and] now it is the dominant wine retailer in the Australian market,’ said Ford, hinting at the retailer’s potential in Greater China.

The post-austerity period

As a fine wine retailer that initially put great emphasis on the corporate gifting sector, Pudao has had to adapt to a new reality.

‘Very few companies now use wine as a gift and those that do are more focused on value offerings than the super premiums of years gone by,’ said Ford.

Currently, most of Pudao’s consumers are buying wines at between 100 to 500RMB (£10-£50) per bottle. ‘Our customers are very open-minded about region and style.’

Amid general changes in the market, ‘we have continued to grow at a healthy and sustainable rate’, said Ford.

Try before you buy

For Pudao Wines, which owns an online store and two offline shops, ‘try before you buy’ is the key in promoting wines to Chinese consumers, said Ford.

The retailer therefore actively invites customers to try wines in their flagship stores in Shanghai and Beijing, and organises hundreds of tasting events, he said.

Offering a specialised service is also important, said Ford. ‘The majority of our staff came from a service background.’

Fake wine: ‘Not just a China problem’

Another concern that’s stopping Chinese consumers from buying wines is the risk of getting fake wines.

‘I would point out though that the fine wine market has problems globally and consumers need to be aware that this is not just a “China problem”,’ said Ford.

‘We work with established importers and have great relationships with many, we are 100% focused on sourcing from the best.’

China in the next 5 to 10 years

‘I think over the past 10 to 15 years the wine market in China has been through some very exciting and sometimes over-heated times,’ said Ford.

The next 5 to 10 years will see a ‘more stable market’ develop as consumers grow in confidence. A key element will be how domestic wines perform, and whether they can compete on quality and value against imported wines, said Ford.

He added that Pudao Wines ‘aims to open more stores over the coming years’, but won’t be rushed.

‘Imported wine is really only a decade old in the China market so whilst we are ambitious we are also in no hurry to open a huge network of stores.

‘In Hong Kong we have re-branded our business under the Langton’s banner (part of the Group) and we are very excited about our fine wine brokerage service that is now up and running there.’

Word of advice for people new to the wine business

‘Wine is a complex business with many layers- some wines are commodities, some are like fast moving consumer goods, some are boutique productions and some are like luxuries and collectibles.

‘You need to be very precise about understanding your customers, what they are looking for and how as a retailer you can add value to their experience.’

Translated by Sylvia Wu / 吴嘉溦


文:陆江 | 葡萄酒在线


获澳大利亚葡萄酒零售大亨Woolworths酒业集团投资一年半后,葡道总经理Marcus Ford接受DecanterChina.com独家采访,介绍下一步发展计划,以及对中国市场的展望。




2014年年底,葡道(Pudao Wines)以及姐妹公司美夏国际酒业(Summergate)被澳大利亚最大的葡萄酒零售商之一Woolworths酒业集团收购的消息传出。

“在过去的18个月里,我们建立起更为复杂严谨的系统和流程以支持(葡道)当前的业务,效果显著。”葡道总经理Marcus Ford(马克思)表示。

“Woolworth刚收购澳州的Dan Murphy时,它也不过是一个只有几间小商店的小零售商,如今却已发展为澳洲市场上占主导地位的零售巨头了。”Ford说道。















“在过去的10-15年间中国葡萄酒市场经历了许多激动人心的时刻和白热化的时期。”Marcus Ford总结道。




Marcus Ford给葡萄酒创业者的启示





陆江/万欧兰葡萄酒俱乐部 2010-12-14


1869年8月8日Baron James de Rothschild买下拉菲酒庄

Lafite拉菲酒庄所在集团DBR(Domaines Barons de Rothschild),  其在华独家代理权已由美夏(Summergate)转至ASC接手. 相关产品将会在2011年1月开始正式入列ASC酒单.

特别注意: 拉菲酒庄不设独家代理, 所以这次只是DBR集团品牌产品的独家代理.

对于ASC来说,绝对是如虎添翼!  经历了关税门,内部大换血,和大股东更替,这次的接手不单是直接竞争力的提振,而且在团队士气的提振、品牌知名度提升和稳固中国市场第一大葡萄酒进口商的地位,都有重要的意义.




lafite 拉菲 logo

lafite 拉菲 logo

Tips:DBR(Domaines Barons de Rothschild)俗称拉菲集团,其旗下产品众多,真正的拉菲仅为拉菲酒庄或拉菲古堡或大拉菲(Chateau Lafite Rothschild),其它的产品其实是拉菲集团的产品,品质也是两码事。有顾客号称一、二百元买到拉菲,其实就是DBR集团的一些工业化生产的量产酒。


红葡萄酒:乐王吉尔徽章,凯洛酒庄,卡瑟天堂古堡,奥希耶古堡,奥希耶徽纹,奥希耶特爱丝,奥希耶红,安第斯,岩石古堡,巴斯克十世,巴斯克卡本妮苏维翁,巴斯克布里德,巴斯克特级藏酿,拉菲传奇梅多克,拉菲传奇波亚克,拉菲传奇波尔多红,拉菲传说梅多克,拉菲传说波亚克,拉菲传说波尔多红,拉菲古堡(Chateau Lafite Rothschild),拉菲尚品红,拉菲珍宝(小拉菲),拉菲珍藏梅多克,拉菲珍藏波亚克,拉菲珍藏波尔多红,拉菲花园,杜哈磨坊,杜哈米雍,米隆男爵

