陆江美国产区行之加州篇3-美国酒扬名的旗舰<鹿跃酒庄Stag's Leap Wine Cellar>


美国酒扬名的旗舰-鹿跃酒庄Stag’s leap Wine Cellar

撰稿人/陆江(Maxime LU) /2012-06


加州纳帕有鹿跃酒庄,顾名思义,必有鹿出没,我也一直期待能碰到如此神鹿。 前两天从纳帕谷底穿越山区途中,我终于遇到鹿一头,可惜是没有跃过去的鹿,已坠地而亡,被一群加州山鹰(Condor)啄食,我也是头回见着如此真切残酷的自然界进餐场景,印象颇深。不过对鹿跃酒庄的期待倒是有所增加。



现在的鹿跃酒庄属于意大利的Antinori家族和美国华盛顿州的Ste Michelle家族。最早鹿跃酒庄庄主Warren Winiarski想把鹿跃酒庄卖给意大利Antinori家族,可因为Antinori和Ste Michelle在美国有很多成功合作,所以Antinori建议两家联合收购,于是鹿跃酒庄归于两家。

小插曲,刚到达酒庄,开始查看酒庄预约记录时没找到我的名字,酒庄工作人员还以为我走错地方,因为在纳帕谷,“鹿跃”为名的酒庄有两家。我们平时提到的“鹿跃酒庄”,也就是在1976年为加州酒扬名立万的Stag’s leap Wine Cellar;而另一家“鹿跃酒园”是同在纳帕谷的Stags’ leap winery,是家实力不弱的酒庄。两家虽然为名称曾对簿公堂,最终是以单复数来区分,前者是单数Stag’s ,后者是Stags’。另外查询资讯时,网站域名也是要特别注意,鹿跃酒庄Stag’s leap Wine Cellar是Cask23.com;而鹿跃酒园Stags’ leap winery是Stagsleap.com。


在品酒室经理Mel Borbolla的带领下,准备去酒窖参观,经过一面满是手印的纪念墙。Mel介绍说“这是2003年2月,历年来曾为酒庄工作过的酿酒师和农艺师,约有三十多位相聚于此,为了感谢他们作出的贡献,酒庄专门将30多位的手印制入一面墙上,成为一件展示作品 -“岁月手迹”(Hands of Time)。”我好奇数了一下,共37位。

酒窖大门颇具特色,名谓“Arcade”,是由巴塞罗那的建筑师Javier Barba设计。整个酒窖始建于1996年,2000年完成,在山丘里开凿山洞,面积有34000平方英尺,可以容纳6000个橡木桶。

Stag’s Leap wine cellar 鹿跃酒庄酒窖大门 Arcade/陆江摄


走进有弯曲弧度的隧道储酒区,灯光和向里无尽延伸的橡木桶,带来很强的视觉冲击。酒窖内部中心居然还有个摆钟状的设备,查了资料才知道,是演示地球自转的设备,叫“Foucault pendulum”,可以标示时间的流逝和酒的陈年。

酒窖里还有一对温馨的雕塑大熊和小熊,Mel告诉我们,因为创始人Warren和他的妻子Barbara,他俩的孩子们睡前最喜欢听的故事就叫“Honey Bear,” 这雕塑能让他们想起孩子们。


出了酒窖,行走数十米就能看到鹿跃酒庄的葡萄园。Mel在旁说到“这里能看到的有7英亩的葡萄园,我们一共拥有102英亩的葡萄园。 树丛挡住了我们的视线,树后有大片的葡萄园。”

说到鹿跃Stag’s leap的传说, Mel指着远处正前方的陡峭山头说,“那就是传说中的鹿跃之处”,“Stag是只鹿, 印地安人当时追逐鹿, 到了那里,本以为到了绝境,哪知它竟然腾空跳跃,跨过险境。印第安人认为鹿安全跃过是神灵的缘故,因此此处就以鹿跃而闻名。”


Mel递给我一张鹿跃酒庄的葡萄园分布图。鹿跃酒庄葡萄园共102英亩,除0.53英亩的小味儿多(Petit Verdot)和1.5英亩的梅洛(Merlot),其它葡萄品种都是赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)。鹿跃酒庄葡萄园中,鹿跃FAY有66英亩,鹿跃SLV占地36英亩。而酒庄最顶尖的是鹿跃Cask 23,它是选择FAY和SLV中最好的部分,进行调配得到的。鹿跃FAY的平均年产量大约3000箱,SLV约1000箱。加上酒庄其它的酒,每年一共 8500箱。

回到了品酒室,Mel为我们准备了2009年份的Arcadia Chardonnay,和2008年份的Fay、SLV、Cask23,还特地把Fay和SLV的种植土壤给了我对比,前者是沙砾土壤,后者是火山灰。

我品鉴着这几款酒,想起一个问题:“鹿跃酒庄1976年参加巴黎品评的是SLV 1973,那么他最早的年份是哪一年?” Mel一下子又被打开话匣:“鹿跃酒庄成立于1970年,当年买下了第一块地,之前种的还是李子、樱桃等水果,还有一些非主流的葡萄老藤,创始人Warren将它们换成了赤霞珠和梅洛。经过两年后,1972年酒庄第一次出产。而参加巴黎品评的1973年份的SLV,是酒庄出产的第二个年份。1974年第一次酿造CASK23。”




2009 ARCADIA VINEYARD CHARDONNAY  中强酸度,平衡清新,精致芬芳,橡木带出的烘烤味道,余味长,有些烟熏气息.

2008 FAY CABERNET SAUVIGNON  土壤: 沙砾 略微通透的宝石红,泛紫晕;红色花瓣气息,紫罗兰,樱桃,香草主导,咖啡豆;重酒体,单宁细腻。

2008 S.L.V. CABERNET SAUVIGNON  土壤 :火山灰 紫红色,李子,樱桃,黑莓,香料,入口重酒体,果味充盈,饱满清新,酸度较强,活跃平衡,单宁细腻中强,柔滑优雅,回味长,有甘草和烟熏余味.

2008 CAST23 CABERNET SAUVIGNON 鲜亮红紫色,红李子,樱桃,甘草,香料,红色花瓣,粉笔灰,肉肠,奶酪,重酒体饱满圆润,凝缩,庞大结构,单宁有力,天鹅绒般的质地在口中充盈,酸度强,平衡细致,回味长,有咖啡和黑巧克力味道。


Blind tasting of Old and New World wines

-Blind tasting of Old and New World wines




Along with the popularization of wine, the concept of the “New World” and the “ Old World” has been referred to in different wine events or media frequently. The “New World” represents those new wine-producing countries such as the United States, Australia, Chili and South Africa, while the “Old World” represents those traditional wine-producing countries such as French, Italy and Spanish.

The “New World” formed a strong force opposed to the “Old World” as it grows up. Those two Worlds faced fierce competition in the target market.

The “New World” takes the significant market share in mid-range and low end market with scientific brewing and various brewing concept. Furthermore, it gradually penetrates into high end market through some high standard market behaviors.

In contrast to the “ New World”, the “Old World” has the competitive advantage in high end market with profound culture, technology accumulation and humanity idea and also gradually recovers parts of mid-range and low end market during communication and merging.

For the sake of fairness, this time we will compare the “New world” and the “Old World” with the form. of blind tasting.

I chose five kinds of wines from 5 wine-producing countries, including Old World wines from Italy and France and New World wines from Argentina, Australia and China.

Specific wines are as follows:

Wine 1:Callia Alta Shiraz-Malbec 2007, Argentina
Wine 3:PICQUE CAILLOU,La Reserve 2003,Pessac-Leognan, France
Wine 4:ROSEMOUNT HILL of GOLD,Cabernet Sauvignon,2004, Austalia
Wine 5:ZhongFa Zhuangyuan(中法庄园 ),Marselan, dry red wine,2004,China

The vote result of blind tasting shows that New World wine has an absolute advantage, which is the same as the result of the Paris Wine Tasting of 1976.

Wine 1:  20 scores    (market price, <100 yuan)

Wine 2:  10 scores    (market price, 100yuan~200yuan)

Wine 3:  20 scores    (market price, 200yuan~300yuan)

Wine 4:  22 scores    (market price, 200yuan~300yuan)

Wine 5:  26 scores    (market price, 300yuan~400yuan)


Wine 1 from Argentina with the lowest market price received the same score as wine 3 from France, while wine 2 from Italy didn’t meet with great favor, although its price is higher than wine 1. Apparently, the public prefers the flavor of New World wine.

Especially, ZhongFaZhuangyuan(中法庄园),Marselan, dry red wine,2004 stand out above the rest in this blind tasting with its unique style. and standardization of French vineyards, although it comes from young vines. I always think that Marselan’s development in China should not stop so soon. However, ZhongFaZhuangyuan(中法庄园) is on sale right now.
My tasting notes are as follows:

Wine 1:Callia Alta Shiraz-Malbec 2007, Argentina
Deep black red color, intense aromas of blueberries, raspberries with sweet candy flavor; good mouth-feel, medium body, fine tannin but a little bit weak, well-balanced, short-to-medium length. It’s a favorable dry red wine with excellent price-performance ratio.


Deep black red color; with a nose of gravy, almond and cranberries, as well as the flavor of blueberries cheese; medium body, wood-flavor, well-balanced, tannin is a little bit rough; obvious acid especially in after taste. This dry red wine coming from Sicilia is worth the price, but its unique aromas, not well-balancing and obvious acid are not favored. 

Wine 3:PICQUE CAILLOU,La Reserve 2003,Pessac-Leognan, France

Deep ruby red color; exquisite blackcurrant aromas with fungus, dead leaves; exquisite tannin with medium power, medium-to-long length with herbal medicine breath, the typical character of Bordeaux


Wine 4:ROSEMOUNT HILL of GOLD,Cabernet Sauvignon,2004, Austalia
Deep black red color; intense aromas of blackcurrant, vanilla and cinnamon with typical spicy flavor; semi-sweet mouth-feel, medium-to-full body, medium-to-strong tannin, harmonious-balanced, medium-to-long length. It’s an Australia wine that shows the strength of typical characters of Cabernet Sauvignon.

 Wine 5ZhongFaZhuangyuan(中法庄园)Marselan, dry red wine,2004,China

Deep ruby red color; intense aromas of longan and blackberries; sweet mouth-feel, light to medium body, light to medium tannin, holly leaf-flavor with a little bit hot after taste. Its distinctive breath is favored.