A Brief Description of Development of Modern Chile Wine Regions

A Brief Description of  Development of Modern Chile Wine Regions

Text & Photo by Maxime LU

After diminishing for 10 years, China’s tariff on Chilean wines has finally been reduce to zero, Chilean wine thus once again become the focus of importers. It also has a special significance: in particular since CCP’s policy to clampdown in gifting to officials and ostentatious display of wealth in 2012; the global economic downturn; the repeatedly tightened country’s economic policy; transformation of the wine market and consumer consumption concept matures. All of these factors have shifted the market from its corporate and official consumption market, to a personal consumption-based market. With its high price-performance and diversity, Chilean wines naturally became more and more the choice of consumers.


Apalta region/photo by Maxime LU

Chilean wine price-performance is usually the most mentioned advantages, which I will not repeat here, let’s focus on a keypoint of its diversity this time: the timeline of discovery of its wine regions, and its latest development in the “Wild Times” of last four decades. In the last century, due to political and other factors, the development of the Chilean wine industry was slow before 70s, the development of the modern wine industry was basically began in the late 70s, so the last four decades has been a period that represented the development and changes of modern Chilean appellations.


Let’s briefly introduce Chile and its wine regions here. Chile is a Panhandle land, to the west is the Pacific Ocean, with more than 4000 kilometers of coastline, stretching to the east is the towering Andes, to the south is the Antarctica ice sheet, to the north is the Atacama Desert, Chile is just over 100 km in width averagely and an earthquake-prone zone, which further contributes to its extremely complex and diverse land features, topography, soil types and micro-climate.

In 1979, the famous Spanish winemaker Miguel Torres (Miguel Torres) arrived Chile and started making wine in Curico valley. His arrival has since opened a new chapter in the Chilean wine industry, which is often considered to be the beginning of modern wine industry. He was the first who introduced the advanced temperature-control stainless steel fermentation tank, French oak barrels, and clones of few varietals, all of these have revolutionized development of both viticulture and wine-making technology of Chile.


1980s – Started exploring the coastal area and began to develop vineyards at the Andes foothills areas. In 1982, Pablo Morandé opened vineyard in the cold and windy Casablanca Valley after visiting Los Carneros Region, California. (Los Carneros located at the junction of Napa and Sonoma ).


Then in the 1990s, Chilean gradually developed a new batch of excellent wine regions throughout the country:
1993 – Limari Valley
1993 – Bio Bio Valley
1995 – Malleco Valley
1997 – Elqui Valley
1998 – San Antonio Valley

In 2007 Fundo Lechagua Winery started up a vineyard at Chiloe Island, more than 1100km south of Santiago. Vina Momberg located near the Lake Districct town of Osorno, started producing Pinot Noir and Sauvignon Blanc.

In 2012, to facilitate management, Chilean Agriculture and Livestock Service (SAG) has declared three official wine producing zone: the coastal area (Costa), the Andes area (Andes) and the between mountain ranges area (Entre Cordilleras), covering areas throughout Chile.



In 2013, Marcelo Papa, winemaker of Chile’s largest wine group Concha y Toro, mentioned during his interview with Decanter that Chile is constantly in search of suitable terroir to develop vineyard in the new viticultural area, making it one of the world’s most active wine producing countries.

Throughout the last few decades, although Chile has opened up quite a lot wine-producing areas and developed a number of regions with unique terroir, from its north to Copiapo Valley and Huasco Valley of Atacama Region, from it south to the Cautin Valley and Osorno Valley, but Chile still has great potential to be tapped. There are certainly a huge development space of the Chilean wine industry.


wine map of chile


撰稿人/陆江(Jiang LU) -万欧兰葡萄酒俱乐部

说起在全球范围内最具盛名的葡萄酒产地,大部分人都会不约而同地选法国波尔多(Bordeaux)。尽管在葡萄酒历史的长河中,波尔多乃至法国都只能算是个“后起之秀”。 波尔多产区在酒届超然地位的形成,与其气候、地理位置和土壤等天生因素的影响至关重要,而历史机遇和波尔多人勤奋精明也是其成功不可忽略的要素。 从罗马人把葡萄藤带入波尔多算起,波尔多的葡萄酒历史至今约两千年。而当地葡萄酒生产和商业销售真正在当地发展起来,还是在欧洲的中世纪时期。    

Bordeaux Wine Map 波尔多产区图

在这里,不得不提到一段对波尔多葡萄酒地位有极为重要影响的绯闻历史。在十二世纪,法国的版图在很大程度上是靠国王和地方领主之间的政治联姻维系着。1151年,当时的法国王后,同时也是阿基坦大区(Aquitaine)的领主,女公爵阿莉诺(Aliénor d’Aquitaine)遇到了小她11岁的安茹伯爵的儿子亨利(Henri PLANTAGENET),她被亨利的年轻活力所吸引。于是女公爵阿莉诺在1152年3月和法王路易七世离婚,仅隔两个月就嫁给了年轻的亨利。这位亨利在两年后(1154年)继承了英国王位,他就是历史上著名的金雀花王朝第一任国王,亨利二世。


Jeanne d'Arc 波尔多市区的英法百年战争英雄-圣女贞德像

Jeanne d’Arc 波尔多市区的英法百年战争英雄-圣女贞德像




由于法国在十八世纪下叶的美国独立战争中,与美国的紧密同盟关系,对波尔多葡萄酒在美洲大陆市场的拓展起到较大的推动作用。曾任驻法大使的美国第三任总统托马斯.杰斐逊就是个波尔多葡萄酒的狂热爱好者,曾经号称世界上最贵的单瓶红葡萄酒就是有他签名的1787年波尔多地区的拉菲酒庄(Chateau. Lafite Rothschild)。


Vineyard of Bordeaux 波尔多葡萄园

Vineyard of Bordeaux 波尔多葡萄园

另外现在大家耳熟能详的红葡萄品种,赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon),也是在十九世纪早期,才取代原来主导的马尔贝克(Malbec),成为波尔多主力红葡萄品种之一。

1855年,万国博览会期间,波尔多最著名的葡萄酒酒庄分级体系,在拿破仑三世要求下建立起来。1855列级庄等级体系有红葡萄酒和甜白葡萄酒两套体系,至今都还在广泛应用,是高端葡萄酒领域最有影响力的分级体系。著名的拉菲、拉图、玛歌、木桐、侯伯王(也称红颜容)就是该体系最高的五家一等红葡萄酒酒庄。 进入二十世纪,由于战争和行业混乱,波尔多葡萄酒又经历了数度起伏。终于在1948年成立了行业管理机构-波尔多葡萄酒行业协会(CIVB)。

Tips:顺便提一下,波尔多葡萄酒行业协会现在就位于波尔多市中心的葡萄酒大厦(Maison du Vin)里,这座大厦还包括波尔多葡萄酒学校的品酒教室和一个葡萄酒主题酒吧。在这里可以参加波尔多葡萄酒的相关课程,也能品试到不少精选出的波尔多代表酒款。 

Maison du vin Bordeaux 波尔多市区葡萄酒大厦

Maison du vin Bordeaux 波尔多市区葡萄酒大厦





从世纪初开始,波尔多陆续又建立了数个等级体系,部分甚至带有淘汰机制,这对波尔多不同产区葡萄酒的市场推动和优质葡萄酒的鼓励起到不小的作用。 近几十年来,波尔多继续努力提升技术和品质,规范生产,严格立法,积极推广波尔多葡萄酒。虽然面临各方冲击,但仍然保持着世界第一葡萄酒重镇的位置。




加仑河(Garonne)、多尔多涅河(Dordogne)和吉伦德河(Gironde)等主要河流分布整个波尔多,复杂的地物地貌和不同的土质,造就了多样的、得天独厚的葡萄种植环境。加仑河和吉伦德河左岸的沙砾为主土壤,容易储存热量,有良好的透水性适合红葡萄品种赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)的生长,所以也形成了左岸赤霞珠为主的相对硬朗风格的葡萄酒。而右岸较多见的石灰质和粘土土壤,又是波尔多占第一位的红葡萄品种梅洛(Merlot)最喜欢的,所以形成了右岸梅洛为主的相对柔美风格的葡萄酒。

整个波尔多有将近八千个种植户,是法国最大的AOC级(原产地命名级)产区,共有60个AOC,其种植面积几乎与德国或是南非相当。波尔多总产量约为七亿五千万瓶,出口数量约占总产量的三分之一。 随着葡萄酒热潮在中国的兴起,近年来中国已连续数年成为波尔多葡萄酒的最大进口国,在金额上甚至已超过第二位的英国和第三位比利时的总和。

 不少消费者对波尔多葡萄酒的实力认知主要集中在红葡萄酒上,殊不知波尔多的干白葡萄酒和甜白葡萄酒也是藏龙卧虎,不乏顶尖实力的作品。像1855红葡萄酒等级体系中五大之一的侯伯王酒庄(Chateau Haut-Brion),同时也是国际公认的顶尖干白生产商。而1855甜白葡萄酒等级体系中超一级的伊甘酒庄(Chateau D’Yquem),是国际公认的最好的甜白酒生产商之一。 

Chateau D'Yquem 伊甘酒庄

Chateau D’Yquem 伊甘酒庄

 除了干红葡萄酒、干白葡萄酒、甜白葡萄酒外,波尔多还出产桃红葡萄酒、起泡葡萄酒等,所以波尔多出产的葡萄酒,几乎可以满足完整的正式晚宴所需用酒。 而且波尔多也是个美食之都,因为边靠大西洋,当地有上等的牡蛎养殖场,秋日周末,加仑河市区段的河岸(Quai des Chartrons)早午集市,漫步其中,就会看到几个小伙子熟练地开蚝,备好柠檬和调味汁,不高的价格,来上一盘,再配上一杯集市里卖的农家自产干白,鲜爽肥美,相得益彰。 

加仑河市区段的河岸(Quai des Chartrons)早午集市生蚝摊位

加仑河市区段的河岸(Quai des Chartrons)早午集市生蚝摊位







作为最知名的葡萄酒产区,波尔多在历史、人文和艺术等方面的保护和发展也颇受肯定。波尔多有三个景点被联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)列入世界人类遗产(Patrimoine Mondial de l’Humanité)列表。

 1999年,波尔多右岸小镇圣艾美侬(Saint-Emilion)及其整个辖区(8个市镇)的中世纪城镇被列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产列表 。这是世界上第一个被列入“文化景观类”的葡萄种植区域,这得益于波尔多对历史遗迹的完好保存。






2007年,波尔多以“非凡市区”整体的名义列入世界遗产列表,被称为:“波尔多,月亮港(Bordeaux, port de la Lune)” 。波尔多是第一个整体被列入世界遗产的城市。建立于启蒙运动时期,是作为历史古城列入世界遗产。在法国,除巴黎以外,波尔多是受保护建筑数量最多的城市。面积1810公顷,拥有历史建筑(Monuments Historiques)347座,3个教堂以及圣雅克-德-孔波斯特拉之路(Chemins-de-Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle)的名号。18世纪初期以来的城市规划和建筑群体现了创造性古典主义和新古典主义趋势,展现了城市与建筑的完美统一。 





La Place de la bourse 波尔多市区交易广场

La Place de la bourse 波尔多市区交易广场

   2008年,布莱伊要塞(Citadelle de Blaye) 与巴特塔楼(Fort Pâté,位于同名小岛)和左岸的梅多克塔楼(Fort Médoc)一起,以“沃邦防御工事( Fortifications Vauban)”中“沃邦门锁(Verrou Vauban)”的名义,被列为联合国教科文组织世界遗产。布莱伊城堡(Citadelle de Blaye) 建于1685-1689年间,由著名建筑师沃邦(Vauban)建造,旨在防御波尔多免受外敌侵袭。
